An American
10 min readOct 29, 2020



Please listen to the right Republican Voices

The most important election of our lifetimes is less than a week away. At this point, I’m sure you’ve heard all the anti-Trump arguments from the democrats. I know why you ignore all the Democratic voices, but in this historic election there have been too many Republican voices coming out against the President to just ignore them and vote for party as usual.

If you’re still planning to cast your vote for Donald Trump, I pray you haven’t been ignoring these voices. My hope is, these patriotic Republican voices were just drowned out because of all the partisan bickering and noise from a seemingly endless list of media outlets. With that hope, I’ve put together a collection of quotes from these trusted Republican voices, so that you can use their guidance and insight when you vote (you don’t have to take my word for anything, just click the links I’ve included).

Former Trump Administration Officials

Many former members of the Trump’s administration are on record sharing horribly negative opinions about their former boss — something that rarely happens to a sitting President, but with Trump happens regularly.

Rex Tillerson, Trump’s first Secretary of State said Trump is a “fucking moron” who is “undisciplined, doesn’t like to read, doesn’t read briefing reports, doesn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things, but, rather, just kind of says, ‘Look, this is what I believe.” Also, he said the President would often ask him to violate US law as he would have to tell him, “Mr. President I understand what you want to do but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law.”

Gen. John Kelly, President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, agreed with Gen. James Mattis, Trump’s first Secretary of Defense, who warned that Trump was “harming the country”. Mattis said “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” and “We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.”

Anthony Scaramucci, Trump’s short-lived Press Secretary, said that Trump was “very crazy”, “low life”, “full-blown racist”, “son of a bitch”, “maniacally narcissistic” and “off his rocker.”

John Bolton, a Trump National Security Adviser, cautioned Trump is “naive and dangerous”, and “I don’t think he’s fit for office.” He also warned “We can get over one term — Two terms, I’m more troubled about.”

Miles Taylor, former chief of staff in Trump’s Dept. of Homeland Security, witnessed Trump’s danger first-hand: “Top DHS officials were regularly diverted from dealing with genuine security threats by the chore of responding to inappropriate and often absurd executive requests. Meanwhile, Trump showed vanishingly little interest in subjects of vital national security interest, including cybersecurity, domestic terrorism and malicious foreign interference in U.S. affairs.”

Olivia Troye, an adviser to Vice President Mike Pence and part of the coronavirus task force, said President Trump’s, “disregard for science is costing American lives” and he displayed, “flat-out disregard for human life.” She echoed what the President admitted to Bob Woodward, “Towards the middle of February, we knew it wasn’t a matter of if COVID would become a big pandemic here in the United States, it was a matter of when. But the president didn’t want to hear that because his biggest concern was that we were in an election year.”

Trump Family Members

Information from the President’s own family members show how little they think of his character. You should ask yourself, if he can’t get his own niece to vote for him, how is he getting me to? Also, if his own sister declares she doesn’t trust him, why do you?

Donald Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired Federal Judge, was taped saying, “All [Donald] wants to do is appeal to his base… He has no principles. None.” His sister also warned, “You can’t trust him,” and “the only things Trump accomplished on his own were his bankruptcies.” She also said, “His goddamned tweets and the lying, oh my God.”

Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, is a trained psychologist and offered up the following opinion about her Uncle’s mental fitness “If you’re in a room with him for two minutes and you’re paying attention, you know that he’s not doing well… Psychologically, he’s absolutely unfit. Emotionally, psychologically, he is absolutely unfit.”

Former Intelligence Officials

How about the 130 Republican former national security officials, many former members of Trump’s administration, who publically endorsed Joe Biden? (Again, this NEVER happens!) Their reasons: Donald Trump gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader; is unfit to lead during crisis; solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections; has aligned himself with dictators and failed to stand up for American values; attacked, vilified, and endangered immigrants; disparaged our armed forces, intelligence agencies, FBI, and diplomats; undermined the rule of law; dishonored the Office of the presidency; divided our nation and imperiled national security.

John Brennen, former CIA Director warns, “the biggest threat to the 2020 election is the sitting US president.”

Gen. Michael Hayden, former CIA Director and NSA Director, is clear in his concerns: “If there is another term for President Trump, I don’t know what happens to America,” because Trump “doesn’t keep the country safe”. He also worries, “If Trump gets another term, I think many alliances will be gone and America will be alone and that’s a real, real problem.” Hayden “absolutely disagree[s] with some of Joe Biden’s policies, but that’s not important. What’s important is the United States… Joe Biden is a good man. Donald Trump is not.”

High Profile Republicans who have come out in support of Joe Biden in this election

There have been a historic number of high-profile Republicans who’ve came out against Donald Trump. Even more historic is a huge number of these lifelong Republicans have taken the unthinkable step of endorsing Joe Biden in this election. Can you recall a time where so many members of the President’s Party risked their careers to speak out against their own Party’s nominee? Of course not, because this has NEVER happened before!!

Gov. John Kasich supports Joe Biden because, “It’s nation over party for me, the party is my vehicle, but it has never been my master.” Kasich also said, “I’m sure there are Republicans and independents who couldn’t imagine crossing over to support a Democrat. They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that, because I know the measure of the man, he’s reasonable, faithful, respectful, and you know, no one pushes Joe around. Joe Biden is a man for our times, times that call for all of us to take off our partisan hats and put our nation first for ourselves, and of course for our children.”

Gen. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, supports Biden because he feels Trump has “drifted away” from the Constitution. “Today, we are a country divided, and we have a president doing everything in his power to make it that way and keep us that way.”

Cindy McCain, Sen. John McCain’s widow, often speaks about her husband’s friendship with Joe Biden and endorsed the former V.P. as the “candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation.”

Rep. Charlie Dent: “This isn’t about right or left — for me, it’s about right and wrong.” Gov. Rick Snyder, supports Biden because “Trump lacks a moral compass” and “ignores the truth.”

Gov. Christine Whitman: “I’m a lifelong Republican. My parents were introduced at the Republican National Convention by their parents. That’s how far back it goes,” but “this isn’t about a Republican or Democrat, this is about a person, a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough, to get our economy back on track. A person who can work with everyone, Donald Trump isn’t that person. Joe Biden is.”

Carly Fiorina, a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, believes Trump “has not exhibited the characteristics of a leader during his presidency”, but feels Biden is “a person of humility and empathy and character.”

Gov. Rick Snyder, supports Biden because “Trump lacks a moral compass” and “ignores the truth.”

Gov. Tom Ridge, a former DHS Secretary under Bush, is voting for Biden because, “I believe the responsible vote is for Joe Biden…It’s time to put country over party. It’s time to dismiss Donald Trump.”

Gov. Marc Racicot, a former chair of the Republican National Committee, is voting for Biden’s “ character” as he believes it’s “more important than any other issue.”

Michael Steele, another former Republican National Committee Chair, is voting against the Party he once devoted his life to run because, “I am an American, a conservative and a Republican, in that order. And I am voting for Joe Biden on Nov. 3… I, of course, disagree with Biden on many issues and policies, sometimes vigorously…. but this election is not about those issues or policies. Rather, it is about the course of a nation and the character of her people reflected in the leader they choose. I am asking my fellow Americans to consider what is in your best interests, and not Donald Trump’s.”

I’ll spare you the quotes from dozens more Republicans-turned-Democrats-for-2020, and just point out how many grass-roots GOP organizations rose up to stop their own party’s nominee like The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump. Again, this just doesn’t happen normally! These Republicans are begging for your help to save America, and the Republican Party, from Donald Trump!

I know it’s sacrilegious to even consider voting for a candidate from the other Party, but to ignore ALL of these Republican voices and only listen to those who tell you what you want to hear is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. After reading all this, how can you justify ignoring all the Republicans who worked for the Trump administration that shared firsthand accounts of the unique danger Trump poses to the country? How do you justify ignoring Trump’s own family who highlight his lack of morality? How do you justify ignoring all the intelligence officials who identify as Republican who highlight the dangers we face from him weakening our democratic institutions? How do you justify ignoring countless lifelong Republicans urging you to vote against their own Party in a historic showing of patriotism?

Their words should give you clarity into the true dangers of four more years under Donald Trump. If they don’t, at the very least, they should give you pause before you vote. Research what your Republican allies are telling you and I have no doubt you will reach their same conclusion.

I know it’s sacrilegious to even consider voting for a candidate from the other party. However, the reason so many have is Trump’s presidency has been a fundamental departure from the tenets of the traditional conservative political agenda. They don’t try and deny this, Jared Kushner called the Republican Party, “a collection of a bunch of tribes” and said Trump essentially did a “full hostile takeover” of the party when he became the presidential nominee.” That’s why these Republicans who have devoted their lives to this country and to Republican politics, are telling you not to vote for this man. He has shown us time and again he doesn’t represent the traditional Republican party values and he certainly doesn’t represent American ideals.

Deep down we all know this country is worse off than it was four years ago. Donald Trump didn’t make America great again, he made America worse off than at any point in modern history. The future of this country is more important than any policy issue. As these life-long Republicans have tried to get you to understand, you can’t vote right now based on the desire for lower taxes, smaller government, gun control, and fiscal conservatism. You have to base your vote on what’s best for the country at this crucial time. America is crumbling around all of us, and it’s a clear choice as to which candidate will return normalcy to our country.

It’s not normal for an American President to tell over 20,000 lies or misleading statements. It’s not normal to take Putin’s word over the warnings and findings of all US intelligence agencies and Congressional investigations. It’s not normal to beg or blackmail other countries to help sully your political opponent. It’s not normal to refer to Neo Nazis and white supremacist as “very fine people.” It’s not normal to force your family members into White House jobs despite them constantly failing to get security clearance. It’s not normal (or legal) to funnel taxpayer or campaign dollars into your family business. It’s not normal to disband government programs (like a Pandemic Response Team) solely because they were created by your predecessor. It’s not normal to reveal classified information to known Russian spies in the Oval Office or refuse to let any transcripts be taken on calls with foreign adversaries. It’s not normal to use the military to harm civilians to get a photo-op. It’s not normal to attack whistleblowers or government officials who speak out publicly to keep us safe. It’s not normal to kidnap kids and torture families at the border. It’s not normal to chant for imprisonment of political opponents. It’s not normal to spread lies about mail in voting solely to destroy confidence in our democratic elections. It’s not normal for a President to bash his own agencies, like the FBI, CDC, CIA, NWS. Finally, it’s not normal and it’s downright inhumane to continuously lie to Americans while a pandemic decimates our economy, infects over 9 million, and kills over 230,000 Americans.

It’s not normal, it’s not right and we have to stop it. Voting for a non-republican this election shouldn’t be viewed as abandoning your conservative principles, it is affirming them. This isn’t you leaving the Republican Party, this is you ensuring that the Republican Party lives on.

Don’t let the destructive abnormal become the new normal. We all have to band together to tell this dangerous man, we will no longer allow you to weaken the moral fabric of America, weaken our institutions and weaken our parties. We have the power to ensure a better future for our parties and our country. All we have to do is vote for peace over violence. Vote for hope over fear. Vote for truth over lies. Vote for science over conspiracy theories. Most importantly, we can ensure a better future if we come together at this pivotal moment and vote for COUNTRY over party.

